Flock Browser

I went ahead and tried out Flock. If you haven't already give it a try. Firefox with a theme and some extra features. It's geared for people that use the web alot and specifically blog,flickr, etc. You can read a nice indeph review over at PaulStamatiou. My thoughts are that the blog and del.icio.us integration is quite nice. On the otherhand I'm unsure if a new browser is necessary. I would much prefer it to be extensions/themes/plugins for the actual Firefox.

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Video iPod Quality

As I’ve noted I haven’t bought one yet since I don’t have USB2.0 and Firewire is no longer supported. Before it was even shipped though there were already reviews about the iPod Video having a smaller screen then it’s competitors. This is nothing new as there are constant poor reviews because of this or that feature. I was interested in seeing some actual reports. Well Russell Beattie has a couple posts now.

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VODcasts and iPod Video

Well the iPod Video hasn’t even shipped yet and already people are converting their VODcasts to be iPod friendly or creating new ‘casts altogether. This could bring VODcasts into the limelight as much as the iTunes support did for podcasts. I haven’t ordered a iPod video yet as there’s no Firewire support and I own nothing with USB2.0 or is capable of expansion to USB2.0. Thanks Apple for screwing your own customers.

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Yahoo Podcasts and Blocked Downloads

Didn’t notice it until today but Yahoo has a podcast site now. Makes sense with the My Yahoo and their music offerings. Yahoo tends to be about content and with the recent additions and changes I see this becoming more so. Kind of reminds me of AOL. The one thing I really have to diss about the Yahoo offering is that it asks me to signin if I click on the download link.

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Official AIM Presence

As noted over at walking paper AIM now has official status and as noted in a comment you don’t have to sign up to use it (unofficially) though that may break in the future. Right now all you have to do is change the URL below to have your screen name at the end (case sensitive so watch out). Put this as the src in a image tag. If you enter the URL in a browser it should redirect to the graphic of your status if you want to test.

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Monkeys are Good People

My new T-shirt arrived from the great web-comic Diesel Sweeties. Goes well with my t-shirt from my favorite comic, Achewood Both are worth reading from the beginning. A recent one on web-access is currently stuck in my mind. Both comics are not for the easily offended.

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'My OS: Gentoo, Debian, OSX Tiger'

Update: Noticed some searches coming to this post. If you are looking for Debian tools such as apt-get for OSX then you probably want Fink. If you are looking for Gentoo/portage for OSX then you’ll probably want to take a look at this how-to at the Gentoo Wiki. Since I’ve reviewed some other things I thought I’d go over the systems I use, not that anyone would care. Here they are anyways with some mini-reviews of each.

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Accessible Audiobooks, DRM and Consumer Voice

I follow Joe Clark’s blog which tends to be about type and accessibility. His posts on accessibility can be a bit inflammatory but I tend to almost always agree with him or at least see his point. A recent post of his was on TAPInformation’s report on Accessible Audiobooks and it’s worth reading. I wasn’t going to post about it but since I’ve seen the study itself crop up on some library blogs I’d thought I’d link to it so there there’s at least a counter-point (not that many people read this blog).

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iPod and Thin Clients

Some iPod news today. Firstly the iPodLinux group got video with sound working. Even includes a converter for those of us sad people stuck with greyscale screens. I still don’t trust myself to install linux on my iPod. If I ever upgrade though I’m pretty sure my old one will get it installed. Secondly is that someone got SLAX, a small liveCD that can be booted off a USB drive, working on a iPod nano.

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GEvil Value T-shirt

For the google-bashers in the crowd. GEvil Value T-shirt | CafePress

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