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OOXML, DTD's and Caching

A few items that may be of interest:

First if you happen to write an application that caches sites or content then you may be interested in the exception in the DMCA. Over at PlagiarismToday they go over what constitutes a legitimate service and why there isn’t a loophole for spammers.

Recently Netscape removed earlier RSS DTD’s from their site. This apparently broke multiple RSS readers that depending on requesting the DTD for every RSS feed that referenced it. There’s a debate over at the Netscape Blog on whether DTD’s should be available forever, cached or requested. Some interesting comments.

Lastly, some problems with Microsoft’s Office format standards are cropping up and their finding it less and less open. Groklaw has a nice overview of some of the contradictions and Rob Weir has a nice post about one problem that relates to embedding legacy formats that are not in the standard.