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Some quickies for Aug 21 2006

A few things that are worthwhile pointing to outside of but not worth thier own post.

First, the submissions to Talis' Mashup contest are in. Art has been working on a Google Desktop mashup and he has a nice writeup about it now.

Planning for a free web-conference called Five Weeks to a Social Library is underway. They are requesting proposals for presentations currently. Led by a great group of people and likely to turn out just as great. I might throw together a proposal if I get time.

In my past genetics studies it has been brought up about some of the gene flow between microbes and humans. Via Jon Udell I know find out that 90% of the cells in the human body are microbial. I was guessing it to be rather large but no where near that percentage.

The joys of government works and the public domain. Someone is taking the time to digitize the FSI language courses and offer them online. Bound to be a great resource. It would be interesting to see Google, Internet Archive or other alliances digitize more government works.

And finally some more security posts showing that the weakest link is often the human one. It appears that some fraudsters have been able to get a pizza phone line forwarded to another phone, which then then use to collect credit card information. AT&T of course, but I guess at least the NSA has records of it all. And then an older story of fraudsters pretending to be census workers to get personal details. Both via schneier on security.