The discussion was wide ranging and I only caught part of it due to a previous discussion going over. This was also the last one. Some general themes were how some of the “web2.0” services could be used in libraries and how library services could be updated to be more user friendly.
- Libraries aren't dead. Culture of fear, though it may help change. Might be put in retirement home though. Need to make services relavent for community. Make it useful again. Culture changes, libraries need to change with it.
- AADL and others host gaming tournaments to bring in younger people and introduce them to the libraries
- Services are bad or can't be found? Big difference in problem and response. Needs to be identified.
- Long Tail again. New books hot, old disappear and collect dust. Keep books fresh in mind. Digitization and search may help.
- Advertise services and events where people are. Post on, etc.
- NetFlix type queue for holds and ILL. Get something in their hands even if it's not the top item. Shoot for quick turn-around. Some libraries have 3 day metric.
- ZoomLends at AADL. Extra copies of hot items bought and put on seperate shelf. Patrons can pay nominal fee to check these items out for a week. Allows them to bypass hold queue and supports the library.
- Darien Library experimenting with delivery service using a box. They fill the box, you give it back for refill. Monthly or similar fee. Piggyback on local services such as pizza/flowers to keep prices lower.
- Allow patrons to buy books they like? Against library philosophy? How will it affect hold queues?
- Various services such as flickr,, etc were looked at.