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III Featured Lists from the XMLopac

Featured lists are another thing I’d like to use more of. The ability to pull the latest books and other data from the server would be nice. While I figured out how to pull the information, the XML server appears to ignore my limiting and returns the whole list no matter what. This can be problematic if you have a large featured list. The way to get a featured list from the xmlopac is just take the list number and add a zero in front. Here’s an example. He’s the same example in a slightly nicer display (parsed). These links may break if the lists are removed. I figured out the list number by going to /ftlists in the opac, clicking on a list and then taking the numbers directly after the letters bib.

I’m hoping to make this a bit more useful with the item data but we’ll see if I can figure out how to limit/paginate it first.