Scan This Book

The New York Times has an article on the various book scanning projects and what it means. It’s a decent read. For 2,000 years, the universal library, together with other perennial longings like invisibility cloaks, antigravity shoes and paperless offices, has been a mythical dream that kept receding further into the infinite future. Until now.

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links for 2006-05-06

Podcasting Legal Guide - CcWiki (tags: legal podcast reference copyright code4lib) Scoobyfoo's Applied Dreams 2.2 Presentation slideshow on Flickr (tags: identity presentation reputation code4lib) - Master Foo's Taxation Theory of Microformats (tags: microformats semanticweb RDF xml metadata code4lib) Now in a Browser Near You: Offline Access and Permanent, Client-Side Storage, Thanks to Dojo.Storage (tags: javascript ajax webdev code4lib)

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links for 2006-05-05

Star Wars: Episode IV | This September: Original Unaltered Trilogy on DVD about time (tags: movies code4lib) Bokardo » The Lesson The one major idea behind the Lesson is that personal value precedes network value. (tags: social tagging Folksonomy) The undersigned » Blog Archive » From XHTML/CSS to WordPress (tags: wordpress howto webdev) Main Articles: 'Folksonomies: The Fall and Rise of Plain-text Tagging', Ariadne Issue 47 (tags: folksonomy tagging Metadata) On Bots - Visual Comparison (tags: search visualization google Yahoo code4lib) WPopac Gets Googled « MaisonBisson.

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EZProxy URL Webservice

A useful feature that was added to ezproxy is the addition to a xml based webservice which you can send a URL and it will return the ezproxy information if it’s in the exproxy database or an false statement if not. This allows you to build applications that can go through URLs and rewrite them if they are valid resources. Think WAG the Dog Localizer. We’re currently migrating to ezproxy so this may come in handy with assisting people with updating links and verifying things are set-up properly.

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links for 2006-04-29

Fecal Face - How to Screen Print a Poster (tags: howto design diy) Cleversafe Open Source Community is an open source community creating software for dispersed data storage. (tags: gpl oss p2p backup)

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links for 2006-04-27

UC Berkeley on iTunes U expanded to include many many courses (tags: itunes podcast education elearning) LibX Firefox Extension for Libraries (tags: libraries firefox) Why does HAL sing "Daisy, Daisy" in 2001: A Space Odyssey? ( (tags: movies music)

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links for 2006-04-23

Photography techniques: How to build a tornado machine (tags: diy howto science) -- From Weblog to CMS with WordPress (tags: wordpress cms blog webdev) State Breach and Freeze Laws disclosure of personal information laws (tags: security) sabifoo im to blog (tags: im blogging blog jabber syndication) MailTags 1.2.1 - Meta Data Plugin for Apple Mail.App (tags: apple tags email) 20 Resources on GTD software  - Listible!

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LOT-EK's Airplane Fuselage Library

(via Cool Hunting and Inhabitat) An interesting reuse of materials to create an interesting building. From the looks of the photo’s of the interior it almost looks open-air/glass covered inside, between fuselages. An LED glass wall also adds an interesting touch. Would be interesting to see what kind of advertisements or other displays they could do. More photos at the sites above. No direct link at LOT-EK but it’s located under Buildings > Institutional > New Jalisco Library.

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Libraries and the Long Tail

A topic that came up quite often at Library Camp and fittingly there’s a current article in D-lib. These numbers suggest that many items in a specific collection may be underused, and that there is limited exchange of materials between collections. As we move forward, we will be increasingly asked if this is an optimal system-wide arrangement, especially as readers increasingly move to the network. We can think of requirements in the terms expressed by the following subset of Ranganathan's laws: books are for use; each book its reader; each reader his or her book; save the time of the user.

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Library Camp - Web/Library2.0

The discussion was wide ranging and I only caught part of it due to a previous discussion going over. This was also the last one. Some general themes were how some of the “web2.0” services could be used in libraries and how library services could be updated to be more user friendly. Libraries aren't dead. Culture of fear, though it may help change. Might be put in retirement home though.

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