Posts in: 2005s

Why I paid more for the iPod

I have quite a few friends with mp3 players. Some have Creative, some iPods, some others. The ones that have iPods bought them mostly after trying mine. Mine is an old one (Gen 2 i think) that was the first to have the touch wheel. I personally like this more than Gen 3 as the touch buttons don’t give as much feedback as my normal ones. I wouldn’t mind a click-wheel though.

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'Many-to-Many: folksonomies and controlled vocabularies'

Many-to-Many: folksonomies + controlled vocabularies The advantage of folksonomies isn%u2019t that they're better than controlled vocabularies, it's that they're better than nothing, because controlled vocabularies are not extensible to the majority of cases where tagging is needed. Building, maintaining, and enforcing a controlled vocabulary is, relative to folksonomies, enormously expensive, both in the development time, and in the cost to the user, especailly the amateur user, in using the system.

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