Posts in: 2005s

Accessible Audiobooks, DRM and Consumer Voice

I follow Joe Clark’s blog which tends to be about type and accessibility. His posts on accessibility can be a bit inflammatory but I tend to almost always agree with him or at least see his point. A recent post of his was on TAPInformation’s report on Accessible Audiobooks and it’s worth reading. I wasn’t going to post about it but since I’ve seen the study itself crop up on some library blogs I’d thought I’d link to it so there there’s at least a counter-point (not that many people read this blog).

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iPod and Thin Clients

Some iPod news today. Firstly the iPodLinux group got video with sound working. Even includes a converter for those of us sad people stuck with greyscale screens. I still don’t trust myself to install linux on my iPod. If I ever upgrade though I’m pretty sure my old one will get it installed. Secondly is that someone got SLAX, a small liveCD that can be booted off a USB drive, working on a iPod nano.

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Podcasting the News

What would a bunch of producers and personalities do when locked out of the CBC? Well, podcast their shows instead. A few have taken to the internet to keep connected with their audience and tell their side of the story. More at the site below.

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Google Library

A continuation of Google Print debate. Both of these discuss whether or not Google should be considered a "digital library" in this sense and whether or not them backing down is detrimental to how people view libraries and copyright. Something I had thought about but without the legal background to understand the complexities. Google Print Is As Google Print Does: Corante Copyfight Google Print Library: Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda: Corante - Copyfight

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Google pauses library project

Bah. Google will temporarily stop scanning copyright-protected books from libraries into its database, the company said late Thursday. Google pauses library project | CNET Some other sources/opinions: Siva Vaidhyanathan: Google Is Right to Hit Pause on Library Plans Google Sells Out Users to Publishers: Corante

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RSS Screensaver on OSX - New Books

Since I already had some of our new books lists being converted to RSS, I went ahead and tried it out as a screensaver on my laptop which now has OSX Tiger. Here’s a screenshot (crappy quality - looks much better on screen): An interesting idea and something that might be neat on public computers.

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